Monarch Plank collections have qualified for listing in the mindful materials on-line library. Mindful materials is a design industry initiative that provides a common platform for manufacturers to clearly communicate transparency and optimization information for their building products. Green building certification programs, including the Living Building Challenge, the WELL Building Standard, and LEED v4, each reward various levels of product disclosure and optimization. Products listed in the mindful materials library, including Monarch Plank, have undergone an independent review to confirm that they meet such requirements.
Monarch Plank products qualify as mindful materials on several counts:
- Several of the wood flooring collections are available as FSC certified (sustainable forestry)
- Nearly all Monarch Plank collections are FloorScore certified (low VOC emissions)
- Nearly all are backed by Health Product Declarations (materials transparency)
The mindful materials library gives designers a single place to search for product information. In parallel, the database corresponds to a labeling system that is physically represented in design resource libraries, placing this material attribute information at designers’ fingertips.